2006-05-06 || 6:06 p.m.
January 30, 2006.

...and I wish I had the words to tell you. I wish I knew how.

We've talked about marriage. We've talked about children. And all I can say is "I love you", and "that's what I want too."

She is the biggest thing in my life and I want nothing more than to please her and be with her until forever.

She always talks about being built for each other. We are meant for each other. We were crafted from opposite sides of the same stone and when we press ourselves together we are one and the same.

I am the luckiest boy in the world and I wish I could find the words to tell her this. But all I can do is trip over my tongue.

She is my everything.

back or forth

/ Old

/ Him

/ Note

/ Host

/ Other