2006-03-08 || 1:01 a.m.
Refelcted from you.

...and i'm reading through the words that cut like daggers and i'm reeling from the blows; fallen down on my knees, bruised and bloodied and raw.

But what hurts the most is knowing that it was my actions that caused you to write them. It was my actions that caused you to feel that way. It was my actions that broke you. It was my actions that bruised and bloodied you. It was my actions that caused you unbearable pain and sufferning.

My actions.

And now my cuts don't seem like wounds at all.

They are.

But they are not mine.

They are yours. Reflected from you, onto me.

To this I once was blind. But now, I can see.

back or forth

/ Old

/ Him

/ Note

/ Host

/ Other